- Index
This gives you access to the tools functions in ALMSys.
Button Bar
The top of the tools area contains some buttons that are used for the underlying screens. These buttons are:
Close. This will completely close out of tools.
Save. This is used to save the data on the screen currently being edited.
Menu Panel
The right side of the screen consists of a retracting panel that is used to select the screen for editing. Use the bright fuschia vertical bar to open and close this panel.
Screens are are controlled by security as to whether or not you can access them and/or edit them.
General Group
Backup ALMSys: Backs up the ALMSys database.
Quick Calc: Does a quick lease or loan calculation and creates a simple quote.
Representatives: Representatives maintenance.
Who Is Logged On: Shows who is currently logged onto ALMSys or ALMSys Quotes.
Restore ALMSys: Restores the ALMSys database. Also may be used to restore a single deal.
Restore Accounting: Restores ALMSys Accounting database.
Version History: Shows a complete ALMSys change history since version 10.0.131 from 04/23/2020.
Billing Group
AMPTax Master Codes: Defines the codes and taxes that are assigned to deals.
Lease Charges Master: Defines the codes that are assigned to deals as non-capitalized and capitalized costs.
Ledger Group
Account Control: Controls how some of the ledger accounts are handled when exporting to other ledger systems.
Location Group
Maintenance: Defines locations to ALMSys.
Settings: Defines location-specific settings.
Other Group
Archived Records: View all records which have been archived.
Audit Trail Analysis: Provides details on field changes.
Check List Master: Defines check lists for the Accounts screens.
Refresh Printer List: This will refresh ALMSys' printer list with the current Windows printer list.
Reminders Group
Recurring Set Up: Allows recurring reminders to be created and maintained.
Vehicle Group
Leveraged Financing Banks: Defines leveraged financing sources.
Data Screen Area
The area to the left of the menu panel is where the data will be displayed for editing.
Each data screen will have its own button bar which will contain the name of the screen. Any special buttons associated with that data screen will usually appear on that bar. If a screen is subdivided into tabbed pages, it is quite possible that each tabbed page would have its own button bar.