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General Deal Information
Main Menu - Deal - General
Mainly used to assign the deal to a specific location and to maintain the alert messages.
Layout / How to
Overall deal notes may be viewed/edited by pressing the Notes button at the top of the screen.
The Control Number field is a special field that is used as a direct link to external accounting systems when interfacing. It is often filled with the stock number, but may be anything you need it to be.
A deal may be assigned to a different location by pressing the ... button at the end of the Location field and selecting the location from the list.
Alerts may be set by selecting the Alert Status and then pressing Edit / View Alert Message. From there, alert messages may be erased, added, or edited as needed. Deal alert messages will scroll in the alert marquee, but only when the alert status is not green.
E-mail information is used for e-mailing reports for individual deals for this customer. Use the check box to allow this deal to be included when e-mailing reports. (The corresponding check box on the Name & Address screen also needs to be checked.) If you specify an e-mail address on this screen, it will override the master e-mail address for this deal.
The Payment Alert Message is used to display a message whenever a user enters the Post Payment screen. The idea is to alert the person posting the payment to collect certain information from the person making the payment, such as "Need work phone number." Messages are stored with the date, time, and user i.d. of the person who set the message. Payment alert messages will scroll in the marquee.
The External Number may be used to track external lease or loan numbers. For DealerTrack exporting, this must match the DealerTrack customer number. For coupon exporting, this is your customer's account number. There are also fields to track an external system's balance information.
The Referral Information area is for if you are tracking who referred the deal to your company. Referral sources and contacts are set up and maintained in Referral Source Maintenance.
Rep I.D. is used to assigned a fleet representative (salesperson) to this deal. Fleet Representatives are set up and maintained in Fleet Rep. Maintenance.
The "Spread Disbursement Journal" fields are for the corresponding columns on the Spread Disbursement Journal report. Since this report will only run if leveraged financing exists, you will need to make sure you add leveraged financing if you want this deal to appear on that report. (You can add leveraged financing for in-house funded deals and mark them to exclude from leveraged financing reports and journals.) There are additional fields used on the "Current Business Review" report and spreadsheet. (The Current Business Review is only available in ALMSys 10.0 and above.)
General Deal