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Referral Source Maintenance
Main Menu - Tools - Referral Sources
This is used to maintain the referral sources and corresponding contacts. Referral sources are linked to the individual deals on the main menu's general deal page.
Layout / How To
At the top of the screen are some buttons for overall referral source functions. The X button will take you back to the main ALMSys menu. The Save button (diskette) will save any edits you are currently making. The Help button (question mark) will display this help screen.
General Page
This page is used to perform overall maintenance to the main referral sources. Main sources should be company names and not person names. Use the Contacts page for person names.
Main referral sources are stored in ALMSys by an internally assigned code. You do not need to remember this code.
To add a new referral source, press the new button
. A new referral will be added.
To delete an unused referral source, click on the unwanted referral source in the display and press the delete button
. If this main referral source is not referenced by any deals, then you will be asked for confirmation to delete the referral. All corresponding contact(s) information will be deleted when a main referral is deleted.
Additional Contacts
This page is used to perform overall maintenance to the referral contacts.
Contacts are stored in ALMSys by an internally assigned code. You do not need to remember this code.
To add a new contact, press the new button
on the right side of the contact grid. A new contact will be added.
To delete an unused contact, click on the unwanted contact name in the display and press the delete button
on the right side of the contact grid. If this contact is not referenced by any deals, then you will be asked for confirmation to delete it.