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Fileserver Installation

ALMSys® uses Microsoft® SQL Server® as its database backbone. You must have MS-SQL Server® v2005 or above.

These instructions are written for SQL Server. It is assumed that the SQL software already has been installed.

Step 1: Create the ALMSys Directory Structure
On the server, determine where you want ALMSys to reside. ALMSys consists of database files, report templates, user folders, and other related data. While it is possible to split ALMSys components to different drives/folders, it will be much easier to upgrade if you keep everything together.

On the fileserver:
  • Log on as the Administrator.
  • Create a directory named, "ALMSysSQL." Give it full access rights.
  • Insert the ALMSys Installation CD.
  • Press ALMSys Files. This will run an install program. Direct the installation to the ALMSysSQL folder that you just created.

    The following hierarchy will be created:
    - ALMSysSQL (folder you created)
      + Data
      + Documents
      + Export
      - Install
        + Create
      + Invoices
      + Program
      + Query
      + Quotes
      - Users
        + Master

    Step 2: SQL Server Tasks
    Create the ALMSys SQL Database
    Using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager on the fileserver, create an ALMSys database.

    Set SQL Server Authentication
    ALMSys uses SQL Server authentication to access the database. Please ensure that the authentication is set up properly, as follows:
  • Run the SQL Enterprise Manager.
  • Microsoft SQL Servers
  • SQL Server Group
  • Right click the server on which ALMSys resides
  • Properties
  • Security tab
  • Make sure that "SQL Server and Windows" is selected.

    Create an ALMSys SQL Logon 
    ALMSys uses an "almsys" logon from all workstations in order to access the ALMSys database in SQL Server. Please create a logon as follows:
  • Run the SQL Enterprise Manager.
  • Microsoft SQL Servers
  • SQL Server Group
  • Choose the server on which ALMSys resides
  • Security
  • Right click on Logins
  • Choose "New Logins"
  • Use almsys as the name
  • Select "SQL Server Authentication"
  • Type almsys as the password
  • Set the default database to ALMSys
  • Go to the "Database Access" tab
  • Check the "Permit" box for ALMSys
  • Both the "public" and "db_owner" boxes need to be checked
  • Press OK

    Fix the ALMSysConnect.ini File 
    In the network ALMSysSQL folder, there is a file named "ALMSysConnect.ini." Please edit this file and:
  • Set the "ServerName=" to your server's name, WITH NO PARENTHESIS. For example: "ServerName=APPSERVER"
  • Set the "UserID=" to almsys
  • Set the "Password=" to the value provided by ALMSys Support.
  • Set "Network=Yes"
  • Set "DocumentsDir" to the location of the ALMSysSQL\Documents folder.
  • Set "QueryDir" to the location of the ALMSysSQL\Query folder.
  • Set "UsersDir" to the location of the ALMSysSQL\Users folder.

    The default SQL Server timeout is 30 seconds. If needed, you may add a "Timout=nn", where "nn" is the number of seconds.

    Save your edits and exit.

    Layout of the ALMSysConnect.ini File
    The layout of the ALMSysConnect.ini file is:

    ServerName=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is (local) for standalone versions, and the SQL Server server's name for network versions.
    DatabaseName=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is the name of the ALMSys database. This is almost always almsys. If not specified, it will default to almsys.
    Network=xxx Where xxx is "Yes" or "No".
    UserID=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is the logon user id to SQL Server. If not specified, almsys is used for network versions, and sa is used for standalone versions.
    Password=ssssss Where ssssss is an encrypted password. This password is always provided by ALMSys Support. If not specified, standalone versions will default to a blank password. Network versions will default to almsys.
    Timeout=nn Where nn is the number of seconds before SQL Server will issue a timeout. If not specified, the default is 30.
    DocumentsDir=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is full path (UNC OK) of the ALMSysSQL\Documents folder. If not specified, it will default to c:\almsyssql\documents.
    QueryDir=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is full path (UNC OK) of the ALMSysSQL\Query folder. If not specified, it will default to c:\almsyssql\query.
    UsersDir=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is full path (UNC OK) of the ALMSysSQL\Users folder. If not specified, it will default to c:\almsyssql\users.
    PassiveFTP=xxx Where xxx is "Yes" or "No". This is used to allow passive FTP (as opposed to active FTP). If not specified, it will default to No.

    ServerName=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is (local) for standalone versions, and the SQL Server server's name for network versions.
    DatabaseName=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is the name of the ALMSys database. This is almost always dealer. If not specified, it will default to dealer.
    UserID=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is the logon user id to SQL Server. If not specified, almsys-xsellerator is used for network versions, and sa is used for standalone versions.
    Password=ssssss Where ssssss is an encrypted password. This password is always provided by ALMSys Support. If not specified, standalone versions will default to a blank password. Network versions will default to leaseaccess.

    Step 3: Create & Load the ALMSys Data Files
    At this point, you need to begin setting up a workstation so that the data files may be created in the ALMSys SQL Server database. 
  • Perform steps 1-2 of topic Workstation Setup
  • Perform all of Creating ALMSys Data Files
  • Complete steps 3-5 of the Workstation Setup

    Step 4: Determine How Users are to Run ALMSys
    Each user may be set up to run the ALMSys programs from their PC or from the server. It is advantageous to run from the server because that would keep you from copying the ALMSys programs to each workstation (or rather, it would easier to upgrade in the future).

    For those users attached to the LAN, it is recommended that they run ALMSys directly from the ALMSysSQL\Program folder created in Step 1. 

    You may not want the WAN users running the programs long-distance (from a speed standpoint). You could either create a centralized ALMSys folder at each remote site or on each individual workstation. Remember, the fewer ALMSys folders, the easier it will be to upgrade in the future.

    Each ALMSys user may be set up to run ALMSys from wherever you wish. All you need to do is to create a short-cut to the ALMSys.exe file.

    Step 5: Individual User Work Files Storage
    Each user will need a their own personal working folder. This folder is used for temporary storage of work files, exporting of data files, etc. In the prior directory structure (see Step 1), a "Users" folder was created and a "Master" user established. In this case, the "Master" user i.d. will store these files on the server.

    It is up to you as to where each user stores these files. In ALMSys, there is a directory which must be set for each user to indicate where this folder should be. This folder will "follow" the user, which means whichever PC the user signs onto, access to their folder needs to be readily available. (It may be easier to use the PC's TEMP directory, or to create an ALMSys folder on each C: drive. You would not need to worry about this folder at upgrade time.)

    As each user is established in ALMSys Security (Tools-Security-Overall Security), this folder must be assigned.

    Also, the "Master" user will need to be assigned.

    Step 6: Overall Control Folders
    Get into ALMSys as the "Master" user. (Set the work files storage folder for "Master" as described in Step 5.) Select Tools-Overall Control from the main menu.
  • Set the Accounting Cut-Off Date to a date from a couple of years ago.
  • Go to System Folders.
  • Set the Drive and Folder for the ALMSys Query Folder to point to the Query folder established in Step 1.
  • Set the Drive and Folder for the ALMSys Users Folder to point to the Users folder established in Step 1.
  • Set the Drive and Folder for the ALMSys Documents Folder to point to the Documents folder established in Step 1.
  • Go to Audit Trail.
  • If you wish to turn on the ALMSys Audit Trail (recommended), do so here.
  • Go to Exports.
  • If you are using any of the export interfaces listed, please mark them here.
  • Save your changes and exit.

    Step 7: Set up Remaining Users
    Set up the necessary users for ALMSys. ALMSys is ready to be used after Step 7 has been completed.

    Use Workstation Setup to set up each ALMSys user.