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Interfaces: Coupons - Export
This is used to export all of the deals for which external coupons have been requested.
Layout / How To
Requested coupons will appear in account-deal order. If the coupon information for a specific account is incorrect, then you need to exit this screen and re-request the coupons. Re-requesting the coupons will replace what is on this screen for that account-deal.
You may delete a coupons request by selecting the account-deal in the grid and then pressing the Delete from Batch button.
To create the batch for the external processor, click the Export Coupons button at the top of the screen. This will open a save dialog window. Choose where to save the batch and what to name it. By default, the batch will be named, "Coupons-yyyymmdd-hhnnss-b", where "yyyymmdd-hhnnss" is the current date and time, and "b" is the batch number. It is recommended to save all batches into the ALMSysSQL\Export folder. Once the batch has been created, the records will be moved to history and the Coupons Batch Report will be run.
Coupon Export File Layout
The file created will be a comma-separated value (CSV) file. It may be created with either a TXT or CSV extension. Both types will be comma separated, but the CSV type will contain a header record for the field names.
The layout of this file is as follows:
Account number
Deal number
External Number (from the Accounts - Deal External screen)
Control Number
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Reporting (Business) Name
Coupon Number
Due Date
Vehicle Year
Vehicle Make
Vehicle Model
Remit to Name
Remit to Address Line 1
Remit to Address Line 2
Remit to City
Remit to State or Province Code
Remit to Postal Code
Make Checks Payable To Name
Customer Address Line 1
Customer Address Line 2
Customer City
Customer State or Province Code
Customer Postal Code