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Payments: Daily Payment Interface
Used to view, print, and delete the files created as the result of the Daily Payments Interface program.
What is the Daily Payment Interface?
This is a specialized program that will take in payments from an external source and post them into ALMSys. The program is located in the ALMSysSQL\Program folder and is named, "ALMSysPmtInterface.exe." It is meant to run on a nightly schedule and will process special files that have been placed into the ALMSysSQL\Export folder.
Payments are matched to ALMSys through the External Number field that is on the Deal - External screen. This field is comprised of the external account number followed by a hyphen followed by the external deal (or loan) number. (i.e. "12345-3")
File(s) that are to be fed to this interface must follow these rules:
This is a CSV type file using pipes ("|") to separate the fields
The first record in the file must be a header record, as it will be skipped for processing.
Files are named ALMSysPmtInterface*.csv, where the * may be anything you want. For example, ALMSysPmtInterface-001.csv or ALMSysPmtInterface20151203.csv are file names that would be processed.
Files are to be placed into the ALMSysSQL\Export folder. The interface program will process the file and delete it from the folder.
You may have multiple files in the Export folder. The program will process all of the interface files that it finds.
The interface file itself is laid out as:
External system account number
External system deal number
Payment made date (mm/dd/yyyy format)
Type of payment. If the program sees the word ADVANCE in this field, then it will ignore it.
External system balance (this will be plugged into the External Balance field on the Deal - External screen)
Fee amount (ignored by the program)
Tax amount (ignored by the program)
Service charge unpaid
Service charge paid since account open
If ALMSys sees that the sum of the two service charge fields is different from what ALMSys has charged for service fees, it will post a type "S" adjustment to match the input file's service charge balance. This posting may be either negative or positive.
Layout / How To
There are two sections on this screen. The left section ("Full Results") shows all of the payments interface files that has been processed. Double click on the entry to view the results. Any errors will be flagged in the "Errs" column. Once you have reviewed and/or printed the results, please delete it from the grid.
The right section ("Exceptions Only") shows all of exceptions encountered from the daily payment interface. If an exception is highlighted in yellow, then this exception has not yet been handled. Once you have handled an exception, right-click on it and mark it as handled. Unhandled exceptions may be printed via the button at the top of the section. Use the Handle All Exceptions button to clear all unhandled exceptions.
Use the Delete Handled Exceptions Before a Given Date to purge old records that have been handled. The date used is the payment date, NOT the date the exception was handled. It is recommended to keep exceptions for two years, and the calendar will default to two years ago for you.