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Accounts: Account - Overall
This screen contains overall customer information and settings. It also shows a summary of all active deals within the account.
The A/R Balance at the top of the screen reflects the overall accounts receivable balance that is owed by this customer for all active deals. It does not include terminated deals.
The Alert Status Color and Message is to be used to convey information to you when any deal for this account is pulled up. The color of the Account menu header will be shaded with the color selected. The message entered will be shown in the Deal Information Panel as a scrolling message.
Group Billing controls whether all active leases are to be placed on one invoice or separated into individual invoices.
E-mail information is used for mailings to individual customers. Use the check box to allow this customer to be included in e-mail mailings. The e-mail address on this screen acts as the master e-mail address for all deals with this customer. E-mail information can be overridden on a deal-by-deal basis. You must have the check box marked on this screen for any of the deals to be included in e-mail mailings.
The Group I.D. field is used to place mutiple accounts (with the same Group I.D.) into one group for display and reporting.
Bankruptcy is set on this screen. Turning this on will suppress delinquency notices and billing statements. It will not suppress information going to the credit bureau.
The Net Capitalized Cost Limitations for this Customer box allows you to set limits on customer's active deals in the portfolio.
If you need to change the overall account number, here is where you would do that. Click the Renumber button to begin this process. You will be prompted to enter the new account number. The new account number must not already exist. All deals for this account will be changed to the new number.
The Delete Account button will remove the account from ALMSys along with all related deals, active or not. This is a very dangerous button and should not be used unless you are sure that you wish to delete the account. When using this button, you may be asked up to three times if you are sure you want to delete the account and all deals within it.
The Account Deals Summary will produce a summary report of all of the deals for this account.
The Active Deals Summary will produce a summary report of all of the active deals for this account.
The Active Deals Summary with Payments will produce a summary report of all of the active deals for this account, along with the normal payment amount.