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Accounts: Insurance - Overall
This screen contains overall insurance information and settings.
Basic insurance information is on this page. The color on the insurance menu is controlled based on the status of the policy expiration, cancellation status, and lien expiration status.
Lien expiration will not be tracked unless there is a date in the End Date field.
Coverages and deductibles are initially set from location settings defaults when the deal is added.
There are two sets of notes available. The top is for overall insurance notes. The bottom is for coverage notes and communication with the insurance company.
Company #2
This is only used when you have two active policies on the same vehicle. The policy expiration will be tracked for you, but only if you mark the status anything other than "Not Used". You may want to add a note as to what the 2nd company is covering.
Other Features
There are two reports available to assist in communcation between you and the insurance company:
Insurance Verification Fax
Insurance Verification Mailer
Either of these reports may be used in your communications. The Mailer is meant to be mailed. However, both may be emailed.
You may copy the basic insurance information from this deal to all other deals under the same customer account number. Use the Copy... button at the top of the screen for this feature. (You may prevent the copy feature from affecting a specific deal through the "Prevent Insurance Copy from Other Deal" check box.)
You may also copy insurance information TO this deal from another deal under the same customer account number.