- Index
The dashboard is used to convey the overall status of the protfolio. In particular, to show the deals that are at or near their scheduled termination. It also will show any messages that have been sent specifically to you.
(Note: the references to "30 days" may be changed on the user preferences screen.)
ALMSys Overall Status
All active deals are analyzed as of today's date. All deals that are scheduled to terminate on or before today that are still active will be reflected in the counts displayed. Also, any deal that is within 30 days of its scheduled termination date will be reflected in the counts displayed.
You may click on any of the count boxes to drill down to the data behind the count. The resulting grid may be printed. You may also double click on any individual grid line and you will be taken to that deal.
ALMSys Insurance Status
All active deals are analyzed as of today's date. All deals with no policy expiration date, marked as cancelled, or have expired will be reflected in counts displayed. Also, any deal that is within 30 days of expiring will be reflected in the counts displayed. (The Company #2 insurance is checked, also.....but only if it is used.)
You may click on any of the count boxes to drill down to the data behind the count. The resulting grid may be printed. You may also double click on any individual grid line and you will be taken to that deal.
Lien and PPSA expirations are also tracked.
Equipment Filing Status
All active deals are analyzed as of today's date. All equipment within each deal that has an expiration date specified and that date is scheduled to expire on or before today will be reflected in the counts displayed. Also, any equipment that is within 30 days of its scheduled expiration date will be reflected in the counts displayed.
You may click on any of the count boxes to drill down to the data behind the count. The resulting grid may be printed. You may also double click on any individual grid line and you will be taken to that deal.
License Plate Tabs Status
All active deals are analyzed as of today's date. All deals with no license tabs expiration date, or have expired will be reflected in counts displayed. Also, any deal that is within 30 days of expiring will be reflected in the counts displayed.
You may click on any of the count boxes to drill down to the data behind the count. The resulting grid may be printed. You may also double click on any individual grid line and you will be taken to that deal.
Messages to you will be displayed under the overall status. You may double click on any message to view it, and possibly print, reply, or forward it to another ALMSys user. A message will remain until you specifically dismiss it with the
ALMSys will not keep a "sent messages log" for you, as this is not intended to be an email system. It is meant to be a system of relating important messages that require attention. Please do not abuse the purpose of these messages.
This will be updated with news about the ALMSys suite of products.