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Administrative: Logs - API Log
This screen is used to view the calls that ALMSys makes to an external DMS.
How To
This log is meant to hold about six month's worth of API calls. The most recent call is at the bottom of the list.
If you experience issues with any call, click on it in the grid and then click the Transmit to ALMSys Support button. This will encrypt the data line and transmit it to ALMSys Support. Please contact ALMSys Support with what you were trying to do and what you think is wrong.
For Tekion, the calls that you will typically see are:
Get Auth - Gets an authorization code in order to proceed with the next call.
Get COA - Gets the current general ledger chart of accounts.
Get Deal - Gets the deal that is shown in the Eye Catcher column.
Send Journal - Sends a journal of the type shown in the Eye Catcher column.
Things To Look At
The Code column will be "200" for all successful calls. Anything else is most likely an error. A "500" is a real bad one that typically means we "broke" the API server.
The Response column is what Support will be looking at to determine if there is an error in how the data was created by the DMS or how the data was interpreted by ALMSys.