- Index
Collections is an interactive delinquency list. Only active deals are included.
You must have the following security to run collections:
Collections access
Accounts access
Account menu access
Account Name / Address access
Deal access
Deal Status access
In addition, you should be given access to:
Deal All Notes
Insurance Overall
Vehicle Overall
Mailings Templates Maintenance
How To
You will notice that ALMSys will create a separate screen for Collections. It is intended that this screen be dragged to a separate monitor as the collections screen will control the opening of other ALMSys screens.
At least once per day you will need to rebuild the delinquency list. If a number of payments are posted, it is recommended to rebuild this list after posting those payments.
The List
The list will show you the number of days late and the amount late for including late fees and not including late fees. The "Difference" column would construe the outstanding late fees owed.
All active deals will be included in the list, even if they are not delinquent. You may filter (limit) the list to a specific number of days late by entering the days range at the top of the grid and then clicking Apply. The days limitation is only applied to the days late with fees included.
You may also limit the list to those accounts assigned specifically to you. Check the box for that option and click Apply. (Account assigning is done on the Account - Overall screen.) If you are assigned an account while you are in this list, simply click the Apply button to refresh the list.
The list may be sorted by any column. Simply click on the column header to sort it.
Account Control
To work on an account, double click on it in the list. The Account Control page will show you customer phone numbers and a box with screens controls. The buttons on the screen controls box will take you to those screens for the deal on which you are working.