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Standalone PC Installation

The installation for ALMSys® is a multi-step procedure. If you want assistance, please call Support at 800-827-3164. This toll-free number works from anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. Support hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. U. S. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.

ALMSys® uses Microsoft® SQL Server® as its database backbone. You must have MS-SQL Server® Express v2005 or above. The SQL Server 2005 Express installation program is included as part of this ALMSys installation. These instructions are written for SQL Server 2005 Express installation.

Step 1: PC Requirements
The monitor's resolution must be set to a minimum of 800 x 600 pixels. ALMSys runs on Microsoft® Windows XP, Vista, and 7 platforms.

Step 2: Installing ALMSys
If you downloaded ALMSys from the Internet ...
  • Run the downloaded files & Unzip them. They will create an ALMSys installation folder named, "c:\ALMSys x-x Setup," where "x-x" is the version of ALMSys (such as "5-7").
  • Run "ALMSysInstall.exe" in the "c:\ALMSys x-x Setup" folder. You can either do this from the Windows Explorer or you can Start, Run, type c:\ALMSys x-x Setup\ALMSysInstall.exe , and press OK.

    If you have an ALMSys CD-ROM ...
  • Insert the ALMSys CD-ROM and let it auto run. (If the installation program does not autostart, then you will need to manually run the "ALMSysInstall.exe" program on the CD-ROM.)

  • Press the ALMSys Files button. ALMSys will be installed into the c:\almsyssql folder on your c: drive.

    Step 3: MDAC Update
    This should not be an issue for Windows operating systems ox XP or newer. You may ignore this for now.

    Step 4: Installing SQL Server 2008 Express
    Installation instructions for SQL Server 2005 Express, along with any prerequisites, may be found at The CD-ROM includes all of the required Microsoft files, saving you download time. When the instructions state to "click here to download...", you may return to the ALMSys Installation screen and launch the program from there.

    Step 5: ALMSys Database Creation
  • Run "ALMSys Database Initializer" that is located on your "ALMSys SQL" Start-Programs menu.
  • When you installed SQL Server, you specified a password for the "sa" login. Please type this password in both password fields and press the Update INI File button.
  • Press the Proceed with Initialization button.
  • The program will go through the steps indicated on the screen. When finished, it will tell you that ALMSys is ready to run. If you get any other message, stop here and contact Support.

    Step 6: Overall Control Folders
    (If you are installing from the ALMSys Demo, this step has already been done for you.)

    Get into ALMSys as the "Master" user (password "master"), or as a user that has full ALMSys access. 
  • Select Tools-Overall Control from the main menu.
  • Go to System Folders.
  • Set the Drive and Folder for the ALMSys Query Folder to point to the Query folder established in Step 2. This will most likely be "c:\almsyssql\query."
  • Set the Drive and Folder for the ALMSys Users Folder to point to the Users folder established in Step 2. This will most likely be "c:\almsyssql\users."
  • Set the Drive and Folder for the ALMSys Documents Folder to point to the Documents folder established in Step 2. This will most likely be "c:\almsyssql\documents."
  • Go to Audit Trail.
  • If you wish to turn on the ALMSys Audit Trail (recommended in multi-user environments), do so here.
  • Go to Exports.
  • If you are using any of the export interfaces listed, please mark them here.
  • Save your changes and exit.

    Step 7: Security
    (If you are installing from the ALMSys Demo, this step has already been done for you.)

    Make sure that ALMSys security (Tools-Security-Overall Security) has been completed for this you. This includes the establishment of the your work directory. 

    Please read ALMSys help topic, "Getting Started" from here.