Contents - Index

Quotes Vehicle - Trade In

Vehicle - Trade In

To provide trade in information for the quote. 

There is only one trade in screen for each quote as a whole. You may specify up to five trade-ins. Each trade in will contain all of the information on the screen.

There are two VINs on this screen. You will need to type the VIN twice (it will turn green when they match) for accuracy purposes.

The button will update the stock number, based on the control number creation rules that were established in the Quotes Defaults screen.

When you assign a trade in to the scenario, the sum of all Net Trade in Amounts will be used. For the forms and contract, the sum of all Allowances will be used. Each trade in will also appear in the accounts payable screen and report.

Use the button to select the lienholder, if one exists for the trade in.

The Lease Terminination & Turn-In Calculations provides fields to assist in lease trade/turn ins. Amounts may be negative to facilitate refunds to customers.