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ALMSys Quotes
ALMSys Quotes allows you to create the documents necessary for new leases, loans, and purchases. It also has an inventory system to help manage an automobile lot.
ALMSys and ALMSys Quotes are, for the most part, two separate systems. They use the same calculation routines, the same user IDs, the same tax master codes, and the same charges master codes. Other than that, the remainder of the data is kept in different files. For example, if you delete a deal in ALMSys, nothing within ALMSys Quotes would be affected.
Security is controlled by ALMSys in that all user IDs must be established there. Once a user has been set up, then you may define ALMSys Quotes security from the ALMSys Quotes Tools menu. One logon works for both systems.
Getting Started
You will notice that the layout of ALMSys Quotes is similar to that of ALMSys. This is to make it easier for you to go between the two systems.
Determine a control numbering scheme. Each deal and each vehicle inventory item in this system is assigned a unique control number. This control number is akin to a stock number. Use whatever scheme works for you. Control numbers are 1-15 characters and should be limited to letters and numbers. (The control number may be defined to automatically assign the next number to each new quote.)
The first thing you should do is to get into Tools - Security - Overall Security and give yourself access to everything. You can set up other users also, but please remember that the adding and deleting of user IDs is done in ALMSys.
Set up tax codes for each tax entity that you anticipate using. Tools - AMPTax Maintenance. If you use multiple tax codes for leases, then you may wish to set up logical tax groupings through Tools - AMPTax Group Maintenance. Grouping codes will allow you to select a group on any quote, which in turn selects all of the correct tax master codes.
Set up charges master codes through Tools - Charges Master Maintenance. These codes are used to define capitalized and non-capitalized costs.
Set up defaults on the Tools - Defaults screen. This where you would set up your name and address, logo, and other default values.
Forms are designed by ALMSys Support. You may group your forms by whatever makes sense to you. For example, "New Lease Forms" may be one group. Use Forms - Groups Maintenance to accomplish form groupings.
Overall System Understanding
There are a number of files in this system.
Lease Log. This file is to be updated upon completion of each lease quote that gets signed. It is your audit trail of all of the leases written.
Sales Log. This file is updated upon completion of each sale or purchase. Anything that gets sold (NOT leased) is written to this log. It is your audit trail of the vehicle sales log.
Warranty Log. This file is updated whenever a third party warranty (service contract) is written. This is your audit trail for warranties sold.
Inventory Vehicle List. Every vehicle that goes through your business is recorded in this file. Each inventory record contains information on where it came from and where it went to (disposed). If a vehicle is active in this file, then it is either a deal you are currently working on, or it is sitting on your lot, or both.
Quotes added to this system remain active until you deactivate them. Once deactivated, they may not be changed. (You may reactivate it, make a change, and then deactivate it.) Deactivating/reactivating a quote is a secured function.
Pull-down Menu
Exit Exits ALMSys Quotes
Preferences Sets your user preferences. Go to the Quotes tab to set preferences for ALMSys Quotes.
Referral Log Referral Log maintenance.
AMPTax Maintenance Master tax codes and other non-capitalized, add-on master codes.
Charges Master Maintenance Master codes for capitalized and non-capitalized costs.
Defaults Default settings for ALMSys Quotes.
Employee Maintenance Employee List and Maintenance
Lease Log Lease Log maintenance.
Sales Log Sales Log maintenance.
Security Security menu.
Overall Security Overall Quotes security settings.
Change Password Change your login password.
Warranty Log Warranty Log maintenance.
Who Is Logged On Shows who is logged on to ALMSys and ALMSys Quotes
Groups Maintenance Allows you to gather forms into meaningful groups.
Vehicle List Vehicle Inventory maintenance.
Ledger Accounts General Ledger account set up for screen journals.
Help ALMSys Quotes help.
Adding a New Quote
Click the
button to begin the add new quote process. You will be presented with a screen to guide you through the process.
The grid on the right side of the screen represents the control numbers used in the past 90 days. Each quote must have a unique control number in order for the system to work smoothly.
At the top of the screen, you will be asked if this new quote is the result of an existing lease termination. If this new quote is the result of a lease termination, then please select the appropriate item and click the Find Lease button. This will look up the lease in ALMSys and retrieve the customer and vehicle information. The vehicle will be either placed into active inventory or listed as a trade in, depending on your selection. (See the next section for details.)
The next item on this screen is assigning a customer to the quote. The
button will take you to Customers Maintenance, where you can define a new customer or select an existing customer to assign to this quote.
The next item on this screen is assigning a vehicle (from active inventory) to this quote. If you are doing a quote and do not yet have a specific vehicle, then you may skip this step. Vehicles may be assigned at a later point.
The last item on this screen is to assign a unique control number. If you set up your defaults screen to automatically create control numbers, then you will not see this on the screen.
Add New Quotes File Details
Here is what each selection ofr adding a new quote does from a files standpoint.
No, this is not because of a lease termination. No vehicles are pulled over from ALMSys. You will need to set up the vehicle in inventory manually.
Lessee is turning in the vehicle and walking away. The leased vehicle is pulled from ALMSys to the trade in screen with a trade allowance of $1.00. Scenario #1 is set up as a deal type "Turn-In" with $1.00 as the Vehicle Cost Base. To sell this vehicle, you will need to finalize the deal (this puts it into inventory) and then start a new deal from the inventory detail screen.
Lessee is buying the leased vehicle. The leased vehicle is pulled over from ALMSys to vehicle inventory. Scenario #1 is set up as a deal type "Loan" with $0.00 as the Vehicle Cost Base.
Lessee is re-leasing the same vehicle. The leased vehicle is pulled over from ALMSys to vehicle inventory. Scenario #1 is set up as a deal type "Lease" with $0.00 as the Vehicle Cost Base.
Lessee is trading in the lease vehicle for something else. The leased vehicle is pulled from ALMSys to the trade in screen with a trade allowance of $0.00. Scenario #1 is set up as a deal type "Lease" with $0.00 as the Vehicle Cost Base.
Lease 3rd party buyout or insurance loss. The leased vehicle is pulled over from ALMSys to vehicle inventory. Scenario #1 is set up as a deal type "Loan" with $0.00 as the Vehicle Cost Base. (If you are doing an Insurance Loss that conatins a GAP claim, then please read the corresponding information in the Accounting - Termination help topic.)