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Report: Underwriting Status Report and Export
To generate a spreadsheet for external underwriters. This is similar to the Underwriting Data Report and Export, but shows different data.
How to Run
This is run from Main Menu -
- Reports. Set the date range through the end date to be reported. Active deals in the date range will be reported.
This report will create a spreadsheet with the following columns:
Date Submitted (Lease date)
Dealer Name
Application Date (end date of the date range)
Last Name
First Name
Address Line 1 (This is the house number from the first line of address.) -- See note below
Address Line 2 (This is the remainder of the first line of address.)
Address Line 3 (This is the unit number (Canada only) from the first line of address.)
Postal Code
Home Phone (First 10 characters only. Blanks and punctuation are stripped out.)
Cell Phone (First 10 characters only. Blanks and punctuation are stripped out.)
Install Date (Same as application date)
Application ID (Account number)
Vehicle Year, Make, & Model
Interest Rate
Credit Score
Internal Score
Excess Budget
# of Payments (Term)
# of Remaining Payments
Payment Amount
n/a (Blank column)
Net Balance Remaining (Balance of lease)
Gross Balance Remaining (Remaining Payments * Payment Amount)
You will have the option to tell the export where to save this file and what its name should be. The corresponding report contains fewer fields than the spreadsheet. It is intended that the spreadsheet itself be sent to the underwriter.
Address Note: This report was originally designed for Canadian users. If you have an address that is formatted as "36-500 Main St.", then the export will place "36" into Address Line 3, "500" into Address Line 1, and "Main St." into Address Line 2. If the address is "1234 S. Elm St.", then "1234" would go into Address Line 1 and "S. Elm St." would go into Address Line 2. (Please note that the unit-house number must formatted as "36-500" or "36 - 500". Anything else will not parse correctly.)
How Sorted
Location number, control number, account number, deal number. (Underlined sort fields cannot be overridden.)
Internal Name