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Report: Payments by Location at which Paid
To provide a printed detail of all payments posted in the date range provided. This report will group the customers with the location to which they made the payment. Although this report may be run for leases, it is intended for loans.
The intent of this report is to show the payments received at a location, regardless of what location the customer belongs.
How to Run
This is run from Main Menu - - Reports. Payments that were posted in the date range provided will be included.
How Sorted
Location paid at number, receipt present, how paid, receipt number, payment made date, account number, deal number. (Underlined sort fields cannot be overridden.)
Report Notes
Payments that do not have a receipt number may consist of:
Write-off amounts
Mass postings
Payments are broken down between principal, interest, late and other. The location for which the customer belongs is shown.
Internal Name