- Index
Available from the main menu via the Coll button only.
This is used by the collections staff to monitor and contact customers who are behind in their payments.
Initial Entry
The first time this is entered every day, all active deals will be loaded into the collections file. All deals are recalculated for accuracy, so this load may take a few minutes. No one else should be in the collections screen while this load is being performed.
button is also used to perform this task. Use this button only if you feel the contents of the collections data is corrupt.
The Display
The area at the very top of the screen will show basic information for the current customer selected on the List page. There are also buttons available to move from deal to deal without needing to go back to the List page.
Setup List Options
This page provides a way to limit the list. Once you have the limitations set, click the Apply Options button.
This shows basic information for the deals. You may sort by any of the columns displayed by clicking on the corresponding column title. Clicking on a customer in the list will display the customer's current information at the top of the screen, as well as in the other pages of the notebook. It will also refresh the customer's information, meaning that if a payment had been posted by someone else, the calculations will be automatically updated.
Contact History
This shows all of the contact history for this deal only, sorted in descending date order. The newest entry will always be listed first. Notes may be double-clicked on to see the entire note.
New entries may be entered into the area provided at the top of the page. Use the save
button to save your note. New notes are tagged with the current date, time, and ALMSys user i.d.
You may create a letter for this customer by pressing the
printer button. You will be provided with a list of available letters from which to choose. All letters will be previewed, first. You may select File - Print in the preview window to print it.
This shows the customer, deal, and deal alert message notes.
The Payment Alert Message is used to display a message whenever a user enters the Post Payment screen. The idea is to alert the person posting the payment to collect certain information from the person making the payment, such as "Need work phone number." Messages are stored with the date, time, and user i.d. of the person who set the message.
This shows all of the payments made, in descending date order. The newest payment will always be listed first. Payment notes may be double-clicked on to show the entire note.
This shows the customer's names and addresses. You may change this information. Use the save
button to save your changes.
button will open an Internet mapping site to show the location of this address.
This will show the deal start and end dates, and delinquency breakdown information.
For loans, it will show current balance and payoff information. It will also allow you to change the current date to calculate future payoffs.