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Vehicle Pictures

Main Menu - Vehicle - Pictures

Used to display pictures of the vehicle or collateral. 

Layout / How To
ALMSys does not store the image of the vehicle within ALMSys itself. Rather, pictures are placed into the ALMSysSQL\Pictures folder and then linked to the specific deal. Pictures do not have to be placed into the ALMSysSQL\Pictures folder, but it is recommended so that the images are not scattered over many different folders and/or drives.

Adding a picture to a deal is done via the + button. ALMSys will remember the folder from which you last selected a picture. Navigate to the appropriate folder (if necessary) and select the picture from the list. The image of the picture will be placed as a thumbnail at the end of the list.

Once a picture is on the screen, you must click on it to perform and of the other actions. The selected picture will have a blue frame around it.

Use the buttons to position your picture within the list of pictures.

Use the buttons to zoom in (magnify) and out of the selected picture.

Use the button to reset the picture back to thumbnail size.

Use the button to e-mail the picture to the customer or other e-mail address of your choosing.

To remove a picture from the deal, select the picture and press the button. This will NOT delete the picture; it will only remove the reference from this deal.

Use the button to save any changes made to the list of pictures assigned to this deal.

Broken Links
ALMSys only stores the drive, path and filename of each picture. Should the picture file itself be moved, deleted, or become otherwise unavailable, ALMSys will display "Picture Not Found" in place of the picture's image.

Vehicle Pictures

Use the Vehicle Pictures XRef report to get a complete cross reference of all pictures in the system.