Contents - Index

Report: Payment Distribution Reports by Bank

To provide printed reports of payment distribution information, ordered by leveraged financing bank. There are three reports generated.

How to Run
This is run from Main Menu - - Reports. Leases with non-zero balances or with any distribution activity in the date range will be included.

Payment Distribution Report by Bank
To provide all of the payment distribution details for each lease, along with lease balance data. This report is used in conjunction with the Payment Distribution AMPTax Summary by Bank report.

How Sorted
Location number, leveraged financing bank number, vehicle condition code (deal new or used code), account number, deal number. (Underlined sort fields cannot be overridden.)

Internal Name

AMPTax Summary
To provide lease balancing totals for additional monthly payments/tax data. This report is used in conjunction with the Payment Distribution Report by Bank.

How Sorted
Location number, leveraged financing bank number, AMPTax tax switch, AMPTax master code. (Underlined sort fields cannot be overridden.)

Internal Name

AMPTax Detail
To provide the detail behind the Payment Distribution AMPTax Summary by Bank report.

How Sorted
Location numberleveraged financing bank number, AMPTax master code, customer primary last name, customer primary first name, customer primary middle name, account number, deal number. (Underlined sort fields cannot be overridden.)

Internal Name