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Journal Export

This screen controls accounting journal exports to external accounting systems. Supported exports are:
  • Excel
  • ALMSys Accounting
  • CDK
  • DealerTrack
  • XSellerator
  • Tekion (API and Excel)
  • PBS
  • Auto/Mate
  • R&R

    (This screen is called from many different screens within ALMSys.)

    How To
    Journal entries will appear in the grid. Yellow lines are credits. Tallies are shown at the bottom. The Sum should always be zero. If not, then there are most likely errors in the data, such as a missing ledger account number. If there is an error count, then you may click on that error count to locate the error in the grid.

    Records that have the same control number and ledger number may be combined into one record before the data is exported. Combined data will add the amounts together in order to create a summary record. This step is not required from an ALMSys perspective, but may be required for your ledger interface. To condense, simply press the Condense button. 

    If you wish to condense all of the records for a specific ledger account, then you may select the ledger account to be condensed in the "Condense all of One Ledger Account" box, and then click the Condense Single Ledger Account button.

    Note: Some account condenses are automatically done for you. This is controlled by the General Ledger Account Control screen.

    Ledger account tallies will be displayed in the right panel.

    To export the journal, please select from the list on the far right of the screen. If the desired interface is not listed, then that means that the overall control for your ledger export interface has not been properly set up on the Administrative - Overall screen.

    There are journal entry reports available from this sceen. Click the Journal Entry Report button at the top of the screen for those reports.

    After a journal has been exported, it will write the journal to history. For API calls, the call results will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

    Interface File Layout
    Quorum XSellerator
    The Quorum XSellerator interface is created in an XML database format. Each record contains the following data fields:
  • XPT_Key: A sequential record number (Integer)
  • XPT_StartDate: Starting date of the date range used to export the data (Datetime)*
  • XPT_EndDate: Ending date of the date range used to export the data (Datetime)*
  • XPT_LocNo: Location number (Integer)
  • XPT_ControlNo: Control number (String)
  • XPT_AccountNo: ALMSys account number (String)
  • XPT_DealNo: ALMSys deal number (Integer)
  • XPT_Ledger: External ledger number affected (String)
  • XPT_Amount: Amount of the transaction (Floating Point)
  • XPT_Source: Source identifier (see below) (String)
  • XPT_Comment: Comments about this transaction (String)
  • XPT_MonthNo: Periodic payment number (Integer)
  • XPT_BankNo: Bank number for leveraged financing only (Integer)
  • XPT_Dept: Department number, used in billings export only (String)

    * When exporting payments to XSellerator, the payment made date and payment posting date are used.

    The Source field is used to convey where the data originated. Here is a list of sources:
  • Cap. Reduction
  • Depreciation
  • Depreciation Expense
  • Expense Reserve
  • GST
  • Interest
  • Late Fee
  • Lease Charge
  • Monthly Reserve
  • Payment
  • Payoff
  • Principal
  • PST
  • Security Deposit
  • Tax

    ALMSys Accounting
    The ALMSys Accounting interface creates journals directly to ALMSys Accounting and there are no exported data files to import. These journals are not posted by ALMSys; you have to get into ALMSys Accounting in order to post the journals.

    The DealerTrack interface is created in a tab-delimited, "gle" file. Each record contains the following data fields:
  • Journal code
  • Date
  • Ledger account number
  • Control number (as either the Deal "External number" field, which needs to match the DealerTrack customer number, or it is the Deal Control Number field, which needs to match the DealerTrack stock number) The value of this field is controlled in Overall Control maintenance.
  • Control number (as Document #)
  • Control number (as Reference #)
  • Amount
  • Description

    (On the grid, the "Comments" column will contain the deal's External Number.)

    There are two style of CDK exports: "Expert Mode" and Excel spreadsheet. If you need to specifiy a company number, then please set that up on the Administrative - Overall Control screen.

    Expert Mode
    This style of CDK interface is created as a Windows Clipboard copy and paste. The layout is:
  • Company number (optional)
  • Ledger account number
  • Amount (decimal point removed and 2 decimal places assumed at end)
  • External reference number (from Deal - General screen. This must match the CDK account number.)
  • Control number (This must match the CDK lease number.)
  • Description (Filled in with the ALMSys account-deal.)

    This data is formatted as comp.LLLLLL.$$$$$$.eeeeee.cccccc.dddddd. for each line.

    (Please note that the order of the External reference number and Control number fields may be reversed, if desired.) 

    Excel Spreadsheet
    This style of CDK interface will create an XLS file for the journal. On the Administrative - Overall Control screen, you may specify a fixed journal number for these types of batches. The layout of this batch is:
  • Company
  • Journal
  • Ledger Account
  • Amount
  • CDK Customer # (the Deal "External Number" field)
  • Control number
  • Notes (ALMSys customer number - deal number)

    The R&R interface is a CSV file with the following data fields
  • GL Account
  • Amount (Credit is negative, debit is positive)
  • Control number (as either the Deal "External number" field, which needs to match the customer number, or it is the Deal Control Number field, which needs to match the stock number). 
  • Description (Control number - account number - deal number)

    The Tekion interface is an Excel spreadsheet with the following data fields:
  • Entry Number (Constant "1")
  • Journal Number (Journal number from Administrative Overall Control screen.)
  • Description (from the Source column)
  • Reference Type (Constant "Custom")
  • Reference (Type of export)
  • Accounting Date 
  • GL Account
  • Amount (Credit is negative, debit is positive)
  • Control Number
  • Control 2 Number (Account number - deal number)
  • Description (Control number - account number - deal number)