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Quotes Quote - Accounts Payable - Edit Item

Quote - Accounts Payable - Edit Item (Double click)

This screen is used to edit an accounts payable item.

Layout / How To
Some of the accounts payable items may not be changed. These include trade in lienholder and the selling dealer. Those would need to be charged on their respective screens. (Trade in screen and vehicle inventory.)

Items from Charges Detail input will show a Charges Detail Option panel. On this panel, you may:
  • Make the charge a profit.
  • Make the charge payable to the Selling Dealer.
  • Make the charge payable to the Customer.
  • Make the charge payable to a vendor. You would also select (or add) the vendor via the button that will display for this option.

    Please note that when charges master records are defined, you have the ability of defaulting the payables selections. You may not choose a vendor on the master code, but you may tell it that it is payable to a vendor. You would then assign the vendor on this screen. See Lease Charges Master Code Maintenance for more details.

    There is also an Accounts Payable Report available within the forms list.