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Quotes AMPTax Groups Maintenance

Tools - AMPTax Groups Maintenance

To allow logical groups of tax codes to be defined and maintained.

Layout / How To
This is used to create logical groupings of tax codes used on lease quotes. A good example of a tax group would be for Milwaukee, WI. There, you need a 5% state code, a 0.5% county code, and a 0.1% stadium code. (Master codes are defined in AMPTax maintenance, that is accessed from the Tools - AMPTax Maintenance from the main menu.) Rather than having to select all three codes every time you do a lease for Milwaukee, you would create a group here containing the three master codes, and then simply select the group for the scenario.

Use the button to create a new group. You will be asked to provide a title for that group. Then, simply check the boxes on the grid on the right for the tax codes that belong to the group. You do not need to save your changes on this screen as changes are saved each time you click.

Use the button to delete the selected tax group.