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Backup Files

To back up and restore the ALMSys database.

A Word About Data Security
The backup file created by ALMSys is in a ZIP format. The ZIP file is password protected using a 44 character password and PkZip encryption. Only the backup program and ALMSys Support know this password.

Uploading the backup file will use FTP to upload the file directly to a secure folder on the website. (If the upload fails, then try using passive FTP by modifying the ALMSysConnect.ini file to add the line PassiveFTP=Yes in the [Connect] section.)

Within ALMSys, certain fields are internally encrypted as well. These fields include social security numbers and credit card information.

How to Run
The ALMSys Backup program is a separate, standalone program. If you do not have a start menu entry for this program, you may run it from the ALMSysSQL\Program folder. (It is called, "ALMSysBackup.exe.")

It is a good idea that no one be in ALMSys while this program is running.

Security is required for backing up and restoring files.

Backing Up
The following pages are used to back up ALMSys.

This page controls which files are to be backed up. All tables present in the ALMSys database will be displayed. ALMSys keeps a predefined list of table names. Predefined tables are automatically marked for back up for you. Tables in the display that are not in the predefined list are marked as "found" and typically should not be backed up. It is also recommended to not back up print queue entries.

This page is where the files are backed up. ALMSys will create a backup file called, "" This file may be backed up to either a floppy diskette (or diskettes) or to a hard drive. If you are backing up to a hard drive (or network drive), press the Choose Folder Destination button to direct the results of the backup.

Never direct the folder destination to a floppy disk, even if you have selected "Floppy drive(A:)"!

Press Create Backup File to begin the backup process. ALMSys will export the files from the ALMSys SQL database and then "zip" them together.

All backup files are password encrypted.

Export Deals
Individual deals can be exported in an ALMSys backup fashion. This is typically used when sending deal data to ALMSys Support for analysis. The steps for exporting deals are listed on the screen.

Restoring Files
The following pages are used to restore ALMSys data.

Restore/Import #1
If you are not comfortable in restoring files, please contact ALMSys Support for assistance.

There are a number of ways in which to restore ALMSys data files. The most common restore type is a full restore. 

The restore process is a two step procedure. You must first "unzip" the ALMSys backup file. (Usually named, "") The unzip process needs to have an area on the hard drive in which it can temporarily store these unzipped files. It is recommended to use the ALMSysSQL\Data folder for this task.

Restore/Import #2
All of the tables that were found in the backup file will be listed and marked for restoration. If you are importing selected deals only, then please press the Mark Deal Files Only button and go to the Import Deal(s) page.

If you are doing a full restore, press the Restore Marked Files button to begin the restore procedure.

Import Deal(s) 
This page is used for when you are importing a selection of deals only. Follow the instructions listed on the screen.